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    – A historical center of
    European viticulture –


    Vines were grown on the southerly slopes of the Leithagebirge already by the Celts. From that time there exist the oldest finds of Central European viticulture. The grape seeds found in Zagersdorf date back to 700 B.C.


    Their vineyard sites on the southern slopes of the Leithagebirge are numbered among the finest and most venerable in the land. The sonorous names of Steinzeiler, Point, Dürr, Tatschler, Gloria, Katterstein, Spiegeln and Setz were already mentioned in official records as vineyards in 1569 and 1570. When an estate like that of the Kollwentz family in Grosshöflein has been under family ownership since 1775, it’s really not a great exaggeration to speak of a dynasty..

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